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Talent 關鍵人才發展-「業務職能」深度應用專題

Dr. Reza Sisakhti 在過去10年間,協助美國標竿的全球企業(包括:IBM, HP, Verizon, GTE…),規劃打造具結構化與節奏快速的人才發展,以聚焦成效!協助這些標竿企業持續性的取得ASTD(美國訓練發展協會)年度Best Practice獎項,更於2007-2008年接受ASTD委託執行業務職能規劃與發展的顧問專案,並持續在ASTD年會受邀主講相關的workshop與演講(如:今年6月份的Session TU208, Measuring Effectiveness and Business Impact of Sales Training in ASTD 2009, 去年6月份的Session MO223: Sales Competency Round table in ASTD 2008 )。

Dr. Reza Sisakhti今年是第三年受資策會邀約來台,進行兩天(4/24-25)的workshop( Defining Business Requirement_活動網址http://www.iiiedu.org.tw/courseware/2009eDM/eL460/eL460_new.htm),本人高度推薦您或派員參與學習;藉此機會,我們也特別禮聘Dr. Reza Sisakhti針對育碁應用職能的客戶,提供一場小型「業務職能發展與應用」的深入分享,期望協助育碁客戶在企業人才發展的績效上更上層樓;同時對照目前您企業應用的階段與未來的規劃,以迎接全球化競爭力的到來。

96年 Dr. Reza Sisakhti來台進行兩天的workshop ”Business Impact Measurement”, 參與學員評點高達4.75( over 5),打破過去的紀錄外,97年Dr. Reza Sisakhti更受邀繼續提供兩天的workshop“Competence Modeling”持續得到參與學員的高度肯定!本次育碁規劃的Golden Club,除了提供現場翻譯的服務以外,內容亦將以Dr. Reza Sisakhti,97年受邀到台兩天workshop 以及近兩年ASTD分享的業務職能發展菁華內容為主,銜接4/24-25研討會的主題,以促進企業應用發展的深度,值得您共同來參與學習。



| 活動目的 |


| 內容簡介 |

1. 介紹由Productivity Dynamics研發出的定義關鍵人才職能發展架構,以業務職能為例,並運用清楚的邏輯精準的定義人才評鑑與發展的相關需求。

2. 使用此模式衍伸結合HRD系統成為快節奏,有效的發展管理架構,強化難以複製的企業競爭力。

3. 介紹與分享國際知名公司建置職能模型的案例。

| 活動時間 |

2009/4/21 (二) 1:30-3:30 PM

| 活動地點 | 犇亞國際會議中心 / 台北市復興北路99號6樓(捷運木柵線南京東路站出口)
| 活動對象 |


| 活動費用 | 育碁支付相關費用,客戶免費參加
| 報名方式 |

E-mail 回覆給活動聯絡人Mandy 02-87120606 Ext.312 / MandyTing@aEnrich.com.tw

| 洽詢專線 | 活動聯絡人Mandy 02-8712-0606#312;或洽各企業專屬服務窗口。

活動注意事項:由於本次育碁Golden Club為不對外開放的活動,若您想推薦朋友參加,請勿直接轉寄邀約,但請與育碁承辦人員連絡,再由育碁評估及邀約,以確保受邀客戶的權益,並避免現場的尷尬。

  • 講師簡介

Dr. Reza Sisakhti the measurement practice leader at Productivity Dynamics, is a frequent speaker on the topic of business impact measurement. Two recent keynote speeches at ASTD included:

• “Learning Effectiveness and Impact Measurement: Challenges and Frameworks Learning,” delivered at Executive Network BEST Event, ASTD, October 5 and 6, 2006 .   
• “Managing with Metrics: Data-Driven Workplace Learning and Performance,” delivered at Benchmarking Forum, ASTD, April 28 and 29, 2004 .
• “Impact Maturity Measurement Model,” delivered at Executive Learning Network, ASTD, April, 2007.

  • 公司簡介
  • Productivity Dynamics is a research and consulting firm with core competencies in measuring the effectiveness and business impact of learning solutions. Productivity Dynamics has extensive experience and a solid track record of achievement in providing measurement services to the IT industry. A partial list of clients in the past decade includes Cisco Systems, IBM, Sun Microsystems, HP, and Verizon. Productivity Dynamics has defined and implemented measurment strategies for various audiences (e.g., sales, management, and technical communities), for various content areas (e.g., sales, leadership, on-boarding, and technical), and for various learning and development methods (e.g., facilitated learning, e-learning, blended learning, and on-the-job learning).

    Although Productivity Dynamics is based in the U.S. , it has conducted measurement programs for worldwide initiatives, collecting, analyzing, and reporting data from employees in America , Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia . In partnership with its clients, Productivity Dynamics has been the recipient of several Best Practice awards in measurement from the American Society of Training and Development. Examples of these awards include:

    • Leadership development program (GTE, 1999)
    • Blended technician training program (Verizon, 2001)
    • One-year worldwide on-boarding program (IBM, 2002)
    • Large-scale leadership training program for 40,000 managers worldwide (IBM, 2003)
    • Large-scale management training program (Verizon, 2004)
    • Large-scale transformational learning program to implement an on-demand business strategy (IBM, 2007)
    • Large-scale one-year new-hire orientation program (IBM 2007)


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