
Productivity Dynamics / Dr. Reza Sisakhti
智谷網絡/亞太教育訓練網/總經理 梁幸堯
智慧華語/陳迪智 總經理
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育碁十歲囉! eHRD專業與熱情長期檢驗的鐵證!
中國文化大學教育推廣部/游玉梅 副教授
OK超商/教育訓練部/周玉芝 部經理
育碁2000年創始員工之一 楊中旗
Productivity Dynamics / Dr. Reza Sisakhti


I met George at an ASTD International Conference in 2007. He attended a session I presented jointly with the director of IBM Enterprise Learning, featuring a conceptual framework to describe the evolution of business impact measurement at IBM over a period of five years. At the end of the session, George expressed regret that he had not been able to attend my pre-conference workshop on the measurement of the business impact of human capital solutions. He then asked whether I would be willing to travel and deliver the workshop in Taipei, if he arranged a trip to Taiwan. So began a collaboration that has lasted almost five years.

Since that first workshop, which took place very quickly, thanks to George’s determination and hard work, I have visited Taiwan four times to teach workshops and deliver lectures to various HR professionals in both public and private sectors. I have had the opportunity to meet many HR professionals and business managers in Taiwan. I have also had long conversations with George, have met his team at aEnrich, and have reviewed the company’s solution and service offerings. I have observed how aggressively George and his team overcome the evolving challenges that our field of human capital is facing, developing a high-quality solution set to provide to enterprise clients in Taiwan and Greater China. Based on my past 30 years of experience in this field, the quality of their solution set is world-class. Judging from the quality of what I have observed, their clients should reap many benefits from these solutions.

Based on what I have learned from my colleagues in Taiwan, Taiwan is on a path to transform itself and to gain a competitive advantage in the new reallocation of the world economy. Any transformation is difficult, and in this transformation, the role of human capital is crucial. I have seen in George and his team at aEnrich the passion, perseverance, hard work, creativity, and customer orientation that is needed to partner with their clients and help them with this transformation. A critical quality that I have observed in aEnrich’s team under George’s leadership is their passion to learn. In long conversations with them, sharing many case histories with them, I have been impressed by the intensity of their listening and also by the agility with which they apply creative ideas. I look forward to seeing a number of business impact cases from clients who have adopted aEnrich solutions and have worked with George’s team to implement them.

Over the past eleven years aEnrich has creatively combined advanced technologies, proven human capital methodologies, and a collaborative approach with clients to help those clients optimize their investment in human capital to gain a competitive advantage. It has been a great pleasure and indeed an honor to get to know George and his team at aEnrich. I look forward to seeing what George and his team create over the coming years.


我在2007年ASTD的國際會議上認識George,他參加了我與 IBM企業學習主管共同發表的一個場次,該場次的議題是採用概念的框架來描述過去5年內在IBM的測量對企業影響的演變。會議後,George對於他未能出席我的人力資本解決方案業務影響衡量會前研討會表示遺憾。然後他問我是否願意來台北並在台北舉行工作坊研討會,如果他這邊負責安排到台灣旅行的相關事宜,而這就開始了我們已持續近五年的合作。

自從,第一個工作坊之後,事情發生地非常迅速,我已經訪問了台灣四次並教工作坊研討會,這要歸功於George的決心和努力,並提供講座給在公共和私營部門的各種人力資源專業人士,我有幸見到當地的許多人力資源專家和企業管理者。我也與George長談,會見了育碁的團隊,並審閱育碁公司所提供的解決方案和服務。我觀察到George和他的團隊如何積極地克服了我們人力資本領域正面臨到的不斷變化的挑戰,並發展高品質的解決方案集提供給在台灣和中國的企業客戶。根據我過去 30年來在這一領域的經驗,他們的解決方案可說是世界一流的。從我所觀察到的,客戶應能從這些解決方案中獲得諸多好處。

根據我在台灣的同儕們了解到,台灣是在變革改造自己的路途上,以爭取在世界經濟的新的重新分配下的競爭優勢。任何變革都是困難的,而在這一轉型中,人力資本的作用是至關重要的。我已經看到了George和他的團隊在育碁的熱忱,韌性,毅力,勤奮工作,創造性和客戶導向…等等, 形塑客戶來達到組織中的策略合作夥伴, 並幫助轉變他們的要素。這當中一個極為關鍵的特質是在George的領導下整個團隊對於學習的熱情,在我與他們分享的諸多對話以及許多的案例歷史,我對他們傾聽的強度以及他們靈活地運用創意性點子留下深刻的印象。我相當期待看到許多採用育碁的解決方案並和George的團隊一起實踐的客戶所創造出來據企業影響力的專案。

在過去 11年來育碁創造性地結合先進技術,成熟的人力資本的方法論,並與客戶協同合作的方式幫助客戶優化他們的人力資本投資,以獲得競爭優勢,我非常高興和榮幸地的結識George和他育碁的團隊,我相當期待看到George和他的團隊在未來幾年所能創造的成功與貢獻。

育碁數位科技 / 楊中旗 總經理

因為十年前陪著兩個兒子下圍棋 (也是在育碁成立沒多久),我對於當代圍棋大師林海峰有一點認識,但是對於他為何在日本圍棋界被讚譽為 “ 二枚腰 ”,始終不了解其意義。直到今日讀到關於他的一小篇青年勵志傳記,才知道這個術語源自相撲運動,意思是「擁有兩個腰,很難為對手所輕易扳倒」。日本人對於擁有堅強的韌性,即使面對極為不利的形勢,仍然可以臨危不亂,奮戰到底,最後總能取得勝利的人,稱之為 ” 二枚腰 ”。

「挑戰與回應(Challenge & response)」 是湯恩比《歷史研究》巨著中的重要啟示。 那若是嚴厲的挑戰( Tough challenge )呢? 那麼能擁有這第二枚腰般的堅持與毅力,才能是發揮關鍵創造力的勝利者。

就讓從2007年來,一直是我在HRD領域Mentor的Dr. Reza Sisakhti 的肯定與期勉,作為【育碁十周年的賀文與回謝詞】的總結;我希望面對下一個十年所可能的嚴厲挑戰,育碁能夠發揮這 “二枚腰”的精神,將學習型組織的精髓與潛力焠鍊、發揮出來,為團隊以及自己的未來創造更多的價值,也為華人企業的組織與人才發展貢獻出更多的典範。


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