2009-2010 Microsoft GOLD CERTIFIED Partner
2009-2010 微軟金牌認證合作廠商 育碁a+HRD Total Solution全方位人力資源發展系統,紮實的技術與服務不但備受企業客戶肯定,並藉由取得多項專業領域的認證取得微軟公司「2009-2010 Microsoft Gold Certified Partner」最高等級夥伴的資格。
2009-2010 Microsoft Partner Program
ISV/Software Solution Certificate of Competency Achievement
Congratulations on earning the ISV/Software Solutions Competency
2009-2010 Microsoft Partner Program
Security Solution Certificate of Competency Achievement
Congratulations on earning the Security Solutions Competency
2009-2010 Microsoft Partner Program
Networking Infrastructure Solution Certificate of Competency Achievement 微軟Program合作廠商 Congratulations on earning the Networking Infrastructure Solutions Competency
2009通過美國VeriTest "Platform Test for ISV Solution"
.a+HRD 4.0 通過美國VeriTest " Platform Test for ISV Solution"
.Windows 2008 Server and SQL Server 2008
2009 Microsoft Partner Program_SECURITY SOLUTIONS 微軟Program合作廠商 Congratularions on earning a Microsoft Competency which recognizes your commitment, expertise and superiority using Microsoft products and service.
2008通過美國VeriTest "Platform Test for ISV Solution"
.a+HRD 3.0 通過美國VeriTest "Platform Test for ISV Solution" .Windows Sever 2003 與 SQL Server 2005
2007-2008Microsoft GOLD CERTIFIED Partner
2007-2008 微軟金牌認證合作廠商
育碁a+HRD Total Solution全方位人力資源發展系統,紮實的技術與服務不但備受企業客戶肯定,並藉由取得多項專業領域的認證取得微軟公司「2007-2008 Microsoft Gold Certified Partner」最高等級夥伴的資格。
2006-2007 Microsoft Competency
2006-2007 Microsoft Certified Partner
2006通過美國VeriTest "Platform Test for ISV Solution"
.a+HRD 1.0 通過美國VeriTest "Platform Test for ISV Solution" .Windows Server 2003 與 SQL Server 2000
2006 Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
育碁a+HRD Total Solution系統是採用.Net的技術所開發完成的,並於2006年5月通過美國VeriTest的測試,同時獲得微軟Gold Certified Partner的認證。育碁自2001年取得MCP以來,並結合新一代系統取得MGCP,驗證了育碁持續提升技術的肯定與對於客戶技術服務能力的品質保證。