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育碁數位科技:VUCA 時代下落實敏捷、透明、連接、資安

今天,全球商業環境正經歷著VUCA(波動性、不確定性、複雜性和模糊性),這個現象多數是由技術和創新驅動的。其中不可預測性的一個真實例子是covid-19疫情大流行,它使許多國家陷入了低谷,儘管這危機帶來許多挑戰,但有一個堅毅站穩的國家—就是臺灣。2020年,台灣GDP增長3.12%,技術出口需求增加,成為全球表現最好的經濟體。台灣企業獲得了巨大的營收成長外,也同步擴大了人員團隊及全球佈局。因應此不確定性的競爭市場,育碁提供全方位、整合性的「a+HRD Total Solution人力資源解決方案」,協助台灣企業加速數位轉型、發揮人力資源發展,提高員工效率及敏捷性,成功掌握事業擴展機會!


育碁成立於 2000 年,為台灣率先投入LMS學習管理系統的供應商,不斷精進的產品規格與服務品質,已成為人力資源發展e化解決方案的領導廠商。育碁每年穩定投入30%人力專注於系統產品開發,每年平均提供兩個新產品版本,除了滿足各產業客戶的應用需求外,同時展現系統不斷精進的開發能力,且產品的創新功能及資安規格更形塑了育碁的競爭優勢。因應駭客猖獗與數位轉型應用趨勢,政府機構、金融與科技…等行業,在”資安”的防護與管理上,台灣政府不斷提高檢測與法規標準。育碁楊中旗總經理表示:「許多客戶在系統的測試驗證上,經過與其他供應商比較後,常會告訴我們,育碁的解決方案相對是最安全的!」


系統平台的營運模式,具備了整合性與通路擴張的潛力。為滿足客戶對系統整合應用效益的期待, 2014年育碁a+LMS即提供整合《天下創新學院》的應用服務;而且從2020年起,更進一步善用平台整合優勢,提供《內容訂閱服務》,集結了Kono Libraries、為你而讀、CodingBar… 等16個合作夥伴,共同建構「育碁eHRD Ecosystem」;同時,結合育碁Golden Club活動,積極在職能評鑑、績效管理、混成學習…等主題的e化應用,提供專業的顧問課程,協助客戶善用科技,加速落實數位轉型的營運綜效。

產品服務資訊透明,協助客戶LMS及完整eHRD 整合應用,建立客戶信任合作關係

育碁除了提供a+LMS學習管理系統,a+HRD全系列產品無縫式整合績效、人才、培訓、職能…等應用,提供企業客戶全方位的eHRD解決方案。楊中旗總經理特別說明:「為加速客戶了解及應用育碁所提供的產品服務,官網提供了產品的詳細規格、版本演進、功能應用情境、專題研討會影片…等豐富內容,加速協助客戶系統評估及導入應用;同時,定期更新”敏捷/透明/連結/資安” 報告,清楚揭露公司的經營動態,speak with data,讓客戶清楚掌握重要資訊外,並藉由完整透明的資訊與客戶建立信任且密切的合作模式」。除了與客戶有良好的合作關係外,從育碁20周年嘉勉文集中,也看到了許多業界領導者對育碁的肯定與期勉,細讀其內容,更了解到育碁於時間的長河中一點一滴的累積其競爭力,且經得起不同角度的檢視。


不同的組織採用不同的方法執行其人力資源發展,育碁a+HRD Total Solution具備完整且可彈性設定的特性,滿足了客戶的多元需求,方便客戶能快速的導入應用,且隨著組織成長與制度變革也可持續彈性設定套用。楊總經理補充說明:「超過75%的客戶在沒有任何客製下,即可快速上線應用,證明了育碁系統完整且可彈性設定的功能,加上可以不斷增購的整合性功能模組, 可以滿足客戶持續延伸的所有應用需求。」成功應用的客戶包括:《台灣日立江森自控》導入 a+LMS系統,有效落實TTQS完整的PDDRO訓練架構及相關執行作業,建構完整的人才培育體系,讓內部訓練品質的提昇,獲得實質上的操作與驗證,也協助客戶取得2020年台灣TTQS最高榮譽金牌獎殊榮。

在企業大學的應用上,育碁標竿客戶《中鼎集團》在天下雜誌專文中提及,服務橫跨30%海外員工的”跨國界企業大學”--「中鼎大學」,一個整合了員工升遷、課程進修與公司知識庫的線上平台,中鼎所有的課程都搭配英文字幕,甚至由講師直接以英語授課, 這即是應用育碁a+HRD系統所建立與管理的。結合系統的應用,不僅協助中鼎集團有效整合職位與知識藍圖,匯整線上課程需求,也為員工勾勒出集團內職涯升遷的地圖,為員工職涯發展超前部署,打造組織人才競爭力!

育碁另一標竿客戶《中租集團》則是從2006年就採用育碁的a+LMS系統,並接續導入績效管理系統,透過中租堅實的人才發展與管理機制,極大化e化運作效能,人資部門不僅支援中租集團過去10多年快速的成長,鞏固了租賃市場的龍頭地位,並掌握了跨國擴展事業的成長機會;中租的人才發展成效,更創下台灣企業唯一取得三次ATD Excellence In Practice Awards 的榮耀。三次ATD獲獎專案,包括:2013年「業審雙修制度」, 2015年的「部門自辦訓練」, 2019年的「亞太MA計畫」,中租成功的人才發展專案,皆結合了育碁a+LMS系統,有效且長期的落實結構化的運作與管理。

▌資料來源:HR TECH Outlook / aEnrich Technology:Agile, Transparency, Connections, Security in the VUCA Era(可切換中文語系)
  • 2021HRTECH

aEnrich Technology:Agile, Transparency, Connections, Security in the VUCA Era

Today, the world is experiencing VUCA—Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity—where changes in the global business environment are technology and innovation-driven usually, and the future is erratic. An accurate example of this unpredictability is the covid-19 pandemic, which threw several countries into a tailspin. Despite the challenges brought about by the crisis, one country that stood firm was Taiwan. In 2020, the nation witnessed a 3.12% increase in GDP and a rise in demand for tech exports, owing to which the country became Asia’s top-performing economy, even surpassing China. Enterprises in the region enjoyed immense growth and expanded their teams and global footprint. Helping these businesses leverage HR technology to navigate through such uncertain times is aEnrich Technology. The company provides comprehensive and integrated talent management and human resource development softwarethat enable enterprises to streamline their HR operations and improve their workforce’s efficiency and agility.

Founded in 2000 as a pioneer provider of learning management systems, aEnrich grew to become one of Taiwan’s leading providers of eHRD solutions. The company heavily and constantly invests, around 30% of her manpower, in product development and has a dedicated team of professionals focused on product migration. aEnrich delivers two new versions of its products every year that house the latest functionalities according to clients’ and industry requisites. aEnrich enhance product functionality and security through upgrading its technology framework to build competitive advantage continuously.In response to rampant hackers and sense of urgency to digital transformation, government agencies, finance and technology ... and all other industries, are getting more and more serious in software and data security. The Taiwan government did request frequent security audit and upgrade Regulatory standards. George Yand, president of aEnrich, adds, "aEnrich Clients told us that aEnrich product was comparative safe after they tested and validated with other systems for compliance regulations”.

There are potential for LMS platform to integrate more and work as service channels. aEnrich built partnership with local content providor leader CWLC( CommonWealth Leader Campus ) in 2014. aEnrich built eHRD ecosystem further and set up content subscription services to include 16 new partners like Kono Libraries, Reading for you, CodingBar, LiveABC… in 2020. aEnrich also create golden clubs and relevant courses aggressively to promote success profile and best practices in leverage system solutions to develop blended learning, performance management, competency appliance. All the service and efforts contribute a lots for the success migration to clients’ digital transformation.

aEnrich Technology provides a comprehensive HRD e-solution, ‘a+HRD Total Solution,’ that offers organizations a full range of products and services and seamlessly integrates talent, performance, training, and functional management into one single platform. George adds, "In order to accelerate customers’ understanding and application of aEnrich product and services, our website provides detailed specifications of products, version evolution, functional application scenarios, videos on seminar and system demo. All could be facilitated through continuous update report - Agile/Transparency/Connections/Security. There is an aEnrich 20th anniversary collectionincluding many recognitions and expectations from industrial leaders. With all different points of view, we could track aEnrich’s development and accumulation of aEnrich over past 2 decades.”

Different organizations employ diverse methodologies to execute their HR operations. To address such distinct processes, aEnrich’s teams configure the solutions to enable clients to leverage the functionalities flexibly and efficiently. "75% of our customers utilize our solutions without customization, which indicates that our product configurable functionalities comprehensively address all of their challenges. Our teams continuously improve our solutions and often, clients then migrate to other modules as well,” extols George regarding the company’s agility. Several of aEnrich’s customers have enjoyed success after the implementation of its solutions. One such company, Johnson Controls–Hitachi Air Conditioning, employed aEnrich’s a+Talent Suite in Taiwan and was recently awarded the TTQS Gold Medal Award. a+Talent Suite Help Hitachi to implement TTQS’s system and complete PDDRO training framework effectively.

In the application of enterprise university, Another benchmarking client CTCI Group was mentioned in the interview of the CommonWealth magazine. “the "CTCI Academy", an online platform that integrates employee development, refresher courses and company owned domain knowledge base, was servicing all employee and including 30% of overseas employees together. Almost all the content with English subtitle, some self-developed online courses were created in English directly.” CTCI Group integrate the job position and knowledge blueprint, and consolidate the needs of online courses effectively. All the developments enable employees to outline their career path and promotion map in CTCI group in advance. CTCI academy fulfill employees’ requirement and create organizational competitiveness! The mechanism was utilized the platform of aEnrich a+HRD integrated system successfully.

Another benchmark client of aEnrich, Chailease Finance Company, recently became the first Taiwanese company to win its 3rd ATD Excellence In Practice Awards for Talent Development, and was in a row for proactively cultivating international talents and creating great success in biz expansion. Those Awards records were contributed by “Dual Skills High Competency” in 2013, “Regional Development Model” in 2015 and “Management Associate Program” in 2019. The company, in 2006, introduced aEnrich’s a+LMS to establish Chailease e-Academy, and since then, has been a dedicated customer. Chailease had substantially improved its employee retention rates and executed highly efficient training programs. aEnrich has experienced immense growth by supporting and forging a solid partnership with its clients.

▌資料來源:HR TECH Outlook / aEnrich Technology:Agile, Transparency, Connections, Security in the VUCA Era